Ananda Digital Therapeutic for Anxiety Management

Welcome to a new chapter in mental health management with the Ananda, Anxiety Tracker. Designed to empower users in their struggle with anxiety, our app provides a personal mental health assistant that’s available 24/7. Whether you’re dealing with the occasional stress of daily life or navigating the complexities of an anxiety disorder, this app is equipped to support your mental wellness journey.


Scientifically Reviewed Approach

The Anxiety Tracker App incorporates strategies and tools that have been rigorously reviewed by mental health professionals. These include evidence-based techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) principles, ensuring the advice and exercises within the app are grounded in reliable research. This scientific approach extends to every aspect of the app, from the educational content to the self-help tools.

Comprehensive Symptom Logging

Our symptom logger is designed to capture the full spectrum of anxiety symptoms. From physical sensations like sweating and shaking to emotional states such as fear and hypervigilance, the app makes it simple to record and reflect on your experiences. The intuitive interface allows you to log symptoms as they occur, rate their intensity, and note any accompanying circumstances, creating a detailed record of your anxiety patterns.

Trigger Identification

Understanding what triggers your anxiety is crucial to managing it. The Anxiety Tracker App helps you to recognize and categorize potential triggers. It could be something as specific as a certain social setting, or as broad as changes in weather. The app allows you to note these triggers as they happen, helping you to build strategies to either avoid or confront these situations more effectively in the future.

Progress Tracking

Measure your progress with easy-to-read graphs and summaries of your logged data. Tracking your mood, symptoms, and potential triggers over days, weeks, and months can offer profound insights into your mental health trends. This longitudinal view can help you and your healthcare provider recognize patterns and measure the effectiveness of treatment strategies.


The Anxiety Tracker App is more than just a digital diary. It’s a comprehensive platform that educates you about anxiety and equips you with tools to manage it. With each logged entry, you’re building a personalized database that informs you about the nature of your anxiety, tracks your progress, and ultimately helps in developing coping strategies that are tailored just for you.

User Experience

Easy-to-Navigate Interface

Accessibility is key. The app boasts a user-friendly interface that simplifies navigation, making it effortless to access all features. Whether it’s logging a new symptom, revisiting your history, or exploring educational content, the experience is seamless and intuitive across all devices.

Customizable Self-Assessments

Through the integration of validated questionnaires like the GAD-7, the app offers a personalized snapshot of your current mental health status. This customized approach allows you to focus on what matters most to you, helping to pinpoint areas needing attention and adjusting your wellness plan accordingly.

Guided Anxiety Management

Equip yourself with knowledge and techniques to manage anxiety effectively. The app provides a library of resources, including articles, tips, and guided activities like mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises. These resources are designed to help you cultivate a sense of calm and regain control during anxious moments.

Begin Your Anxiety-Free Journey Today

Take the first step towards a more serene life. Download the Anxiety Tracker App and start your commitment-free 7-day trial. With our help, you can navigate the complexities of anxiety and find your path to a more balanced and peaceful existence.



Choosing Ananda as your anxiety management companion offers numerous benefits:

Enhanced Self-Awareness: Gain deeper insights into your mental health. Ananda helps you recognize patterns and triggers, fostering greater self-awareness and mindfulness.

Improved Stress Management: Learn effective stress-reduction techniques. Through personalized recommendations and expert advice, Ananda equips you with tools to manage daily stressors efficiently.

Empowering Control: Feel more in control of your mental health. Ananda provides actionable strategies and support, empowering you to take charge of your anxiety.

Convenience and Privacy: Access therapeutic support from the comfort of your home. Ananda prioritizes your privacy, offering a secure space to manage your anxiety discreetly.

Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed decisions about your mental health. Ananda’s data-driven approach offers a clear understanding of your progress and areas for improvement.

Long-term Mental Wellness: Beyond immediate relief, Ananda is a companion for your long-term mental wellness journey. It encourages consistent practice of healthy habits and coping mechanisms.

What Our Users Say

Discover the transformative impact Ananda has had on our users:

“Ananda has revolutionized the way I manage my anxiety. The real-time assessments and personalized insights have been invaluable. It’s more than an app; it’s a lifeline.” – Jordan, Ananda User

“The mindful breathing exercises and expert-led sessions have not only helped me control my anxiety but also improved my overall well-being. Ananda truly understands the holistic nature of mental health.” – Taylor, Ananda User

“Being part of the Ananda community has given me a sense of belonging. Sharing experiences and learning from others have greatly contributed to my anxiety management journey.” – Alex, Ananda User

For additional questions or issues, please Contact Us.